Man, oh man, oh man, am I sleepy. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but am effin‘ sleepy.
Every class in school is a struggle to stay awake. Once the teacher’s moth opens, a wave of desire to go off to la-la land sucker-punches me in the gut.
There was even this instance during lunch, when I was still quite energetic and bouncy, I was poking my friend Argie, who was sleeping on his seat, into awake ness. You know, so we could chat and stuff.
The professor walked in the door mid-poke, and I swear to God, it’s like somebody poured sand over my eyes to make them heavy as lead. It was as if some unknown entity messed up my circadian rhythm and turned the dial up to the sleeping time.
Well, you probably can guess how that particular class went for me.
You get the point, right? During lecture days, I’m sleepy as hell.
I never thought I’d say this, but thank goodness for Research. It’s one of the few things (aside from break times and lunch breaks) that keep me awake for as long as an hour and a half.
Research is basically the time when my group mates and I sit down in a circle and brainstorm. It’s actually quite fun, because it makes me think.
So I guess my other subjects don’t make me think…? Probably. Last year had been a challenge for me because I was at least interested in what we were studying. We had cancer, diabetes mellitus, amputation, infarctions and a lot of other fun stuff.
And what about now? Well, we have…Professional Adjustment, Management, Economics, Taxation and Agrarian Reform, Asian Civilization and Bioethics. Talk about bleh. The last one would’ve been the slightest bit interesting if the professor assigned to us encouraged debates but alas, she’s one of the nice professors who uses slides in lectures.
I’m not quite sure what the reason behind this sudden sleepy spell is. Did I just burn out from last year’s trauma? Or am I just really not into this shit anymore?