Fresh from our Las Casas Heritage Tour, I had a massive hankering for a nature trip – somewhere down South, if possible, since we’ve already just been up North. Google offered up many options for a quick weekend trip, but what really struck my fancy was Bankong Kahoy Valley in Dolores, Quezon since it boasted of being literally in between a rock and a hard place: Mounts Cristobal (holy mountain) and Banahaw (devil’s mountain)
Bangkong Kahoy – wooden bench in English – is retreat house-slash-jump off point-slash-activity center-slash-organic farm-slash-mini Frisbee stadium-slash-dog haven.
A retreat house because, sitting in between two huge mountains, mobile signals practically get jammed so you could finally disconnect from it all and just reflect. You even get to do it in an open cottage, which, quite frankly, is probably the closest thing I could get to an actual tree house.

A jump off point because if you have more than two days to spend, you can follow some of their trails for a heart pumping hike. We were only there for just one night so we made do with exploring their surrounding properties.
An activity center because they actually offer a zip line ride. We didn’t get to try it though because, well, none of us really were in the mood to. I was with the Cagbalete girls so of course we just wanted to chill and catch up about each other’s lives.
An organic farm since it produces its own produce. Every meal we’ve eaten there included a dish made out of oyster mushroom – one of their main products. I’ve read on blogs that they also grow raspberries but since we went last September, they weren’t ready for picking yet.

A mini Frisbee stadium because Dion Pullan, the owner, looks like a major ultimate Frisbee fan and it seems like he’s already taught all the local kids how to play the game. I mean, with a playground this size, it’d be hard not to get hooked. The grass is also perfect for cushioning you during those intense dives for the Frisbee.

A dog haven because they allow you to bring your pets! We came across the staff’s shih tzu, Cara, who was extremely friendly. A family (who brought their own tents and camped on the grounds) also brought their beagle, Mochi. He was very energetic and excitable.
Booking with Bankgkong Kahoy was a breeze. They responded quickly to my emails and even gave us precise instructions on how to commute to Dolores from Alabang.
Because we booked a full month in advance last August for our September trip, we got to enjoy their August Promo Package, as listed below.

Here are their regular rates (as of August last year):
This trip was one of the more relaxed trips I’ve ever had. Despite the fact that our stay in Bangkong Kahoy Valley was probably less than twenty-four hours, I felt very recharged and refreshed afterwards.
Here’s the round up of expenses:
Contact details:
Nature Retreat & Field Study Centre
Bangkong Kahoy, Kinabuhayan,
Dolores, Quezon, Philippines, 4326
09298198537/ 09272061022 /
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Hi there! Many thanks for this post! Im planning a trip to BK with my toddler. Once in San Pablo, should we get a jeep to Dolores first and then take a trike to BK? Or is there a trike from San Pablo public market to BK already? Maraming salamat in advance for the reply. ??
hi nanz! sorry for the super late reply, I”m sure that you’ve already been to and back from BK Vallley… how was it? as far as I know, you really do have to get a jeep in Dolores first before you can get a trike – there were four of us in the trike so it was a bit of a squeeze and more than a little bit of an effort for the poor tricyle engine (healthy kami eh haha) but if it’s just you and your toddler, I’m sure the trike can handle the uphill climb with no problems