Read about Day 7 here.

May 11th was the 8th day of our TopDeck Europe Express tour and it was a looooong bus day. We had to cross over two borders to get to Munich. I later learned from Matt that this particular leg was one of the longest rides of the entire trip so it was critical that we started early to avoid any major delays. I don’t think I had been so thankful of the petrol stopovers in my life.

We had an extremely early start in Venice because we needed to eat breakfast, pack our lunches and get our bags on the bus by 7:30. Thankfully, even in my tipsy and slightly drunken state I was able to do most of my packing with no hitches. Breakfast was generally the same fare (cereal, banana, milk, toast) and lunch was the usual (pasta salad, chocolate bars and drinks).

We had the usual pee break in the morning and by lunchtime we were in Austria! We had about an hour for lunch so A and I roamed around the souvenir aisles and I got myself a fridge magnet LOL. Traffic was horrible on the way to Munich so despite our valiant efforts, we didn’t get into the city until late.
We did, however, have enough time to stop by Dachau Concentration Camp in the early afternoon. We got to go inside the actual bunkers and got to check out the museum. I didn’t take a lot of photos though; it didn’t feel right taking them.

We got into Munich late afternoon and Lana checked us into the A&O Munchen Liam Hostel very quickly, where this time round, A & I roomed with the Latina girls of our group. After a very quick break, we all got back on the bus to go to the city square for a short walking tour. I didn’t take a lot of photos at that point; I think I was just too tired.

After the walking tour, Lana left us to spend the evening as we wished although there was the option to meet Matt and the coach back at the drop off point a around 8 so we can hitch a ride back to the hostel. Since I was basically beat and most shops were already closed, A and I just roamed around looking for somewhere to eat diner. All of the places that had the pub feel were absolutely packed and since I had no more energy, I persuaded A to just eat at KFC with me. It was kind of pathetic but you know when you’re tired you don’t want to deal with anything new? That’s kind of how I felt then. I appreciated the grease and the familiarity that KFC brought that night, LOL.
I thought that our roommates decided to stay out late that night but I guess they felt tired as well because we saw them back on the bus with us to the hostel. After a very quick shower, I just packed my overnight stuff for our next hostel and went straight to bed.
Stay tuned for Day 9.