unravelling the thoughts of an emotional blockhead


Ever since The Cabanatuan Job ended last May, I decided to go out and get myself a haircut.  After all, I had the time, the money and the need for a decent hair cut, so why not?

Unfortunately I forgot to take into consideration my infallible tendency to procrastinate.  And procrastinate, I did—believe me.  I have this tendency to prolong anything and everything until the exact moment before this anything and everything is due.  Hey, you call it a character flaw, I call it a quirk.

There’s just something in my wiring that prevents me from putting my best effort into something weeks, days or hours before it’s actually needed.  I guess I was a born crammer, or at least a very good one.  I graduated college by this method so it’s not at all bad.

Anyway the haircut became pushed to the back of my schedule because more important things like getting updated with my friends, family, on sleep and on movies took the foreground.  But, the long hair was already starting to bother me because of the heat so I said, what the heck, maybe it is high time to get it lopped off.

I decided last Sunday that I was so going to go to the nearest Bench Fix salon here.  It’s in the SM Hypermart in Muntinlupa, a few minutes away from our village and Monday morning was the perfect time to drive there because the parking lot was bound to be deserted of cars, making it the perfect place for a newbie like me to not dent, scratch or bump into any other car out there. 

But, Monday came and gone, and I said I was going to go there on Tuesday.  Then it was Wednesday and Thursday, and then finally, Friday finally rolled around and I just happened to have some errands to run for my mother so I just decided to go out and go to the damned Hypermart.

The parking lot wasn’t as deserted as one would think, considering that it was a weekday morning.  I even missed the parking lot entrance so I was forced to circle around by the entrance.  But, I immediately saw a relatively spacious spot and went for it very, very slowly.  Imagine my sense of pride when I stepped out of the car to find it straight as a fiddle and not at all askew in the middle of my parking space. 

I only did two things inside that mall: I watched Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen and then I actually had my hair cut and straightened.  It still freaks me out that those two things filled up most of my Friday. 

Ah well, at least now with my hair shorter, the heat’s not that big of a bother. 

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